Table of Contents:

Valor’s Champion
Letter from the Editor

Reflections by General James H. Doolittle
Prior to his passing in 1993, Jimmy Doolittle shared his thoughts on the military, pilots, and life. In this issue, we print these reflections, as well as the original proposed plan to attack Japan in 1942.

Baa Baa Black Sheep
An excerpt from Veterans Chronicles Brigadier General Bruce Matheson of the famed Black Sheep Squadron tells the story of “Boyington’s Bastards.”

Principled Leadership by Dr. Lewis S. Sorley
In 2007, the American Veterans Center inaugurated the Andrew J. Goodpaster Prize and Lecture in honor of one of America’s finest military men. The first lecture was delivered by Vietnam veteran and Pulitzer Prize-nominated historian Lewis Sorley, who examined the career, and character, of several distinguished veterans.

Shock Medicine by Luis Fonseca Jr.
The eyewitness account of the 2003 Battle of Nasiriyah from the first corpsman to receive the Navy Cross in over three decades.